Category: News


Due to the Covid-19  pandemic and the imposition of NSW State Orders which mandate social distancing and set a limit on numbers in places or worship and at religious gatherings, the following protocol is offered, such that as many as wish to pay their respects and to bid farewell to Peter Kozlina may be in a position to do so.


Wednesday the 26th of August 2020 – St. Lazarus Serbian Orthodox Church – Alexandria
From 3.00pm – 8.00pm – Prayers and Paying Respects
The maximum numbers of attendees at any one time at St.Lazarus Church is capped at 50. A five hour period has been determined for a short prayer time, the lighting of candles and paying respects. Wardens will be tasked with maintaining order and ensuring that attendees enter through the main entrance to the Church, light candles, process past the casket and leave via the service door.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 24th to 27th of August 2020 – Lazarica Church – Alexandria
8.30am – Memorial Liturgy
The maximum permitted number of attendees is 50, including clergy and the church choir. It is anticipated that those present will mainly be family, kumovi, close friends and the Board and parishioners of St. Lazarus Church.


Thursday the 27th of August 2020 – St. Lazarus Serbian Orthodox Church – Alexandria
10.00am – Funeral Service – Episcopal Eulogy in English and that of the Parish Priest in Serbian. The maximum permitted number of attendees is 50, including clergy and the church choir. It is anticipated that those present will mainly be family, kumovi, close friends, business associates and respected friends.


Thursday the 27th of August 2020 – CEMETERY: ROOKWOOD NECROPOLIS
Serbian Section 2, Grave number 240
12 Noon – Memorial Service and Internment
Eulogies – family and friends. Permitted number of attendees – 100


Thursday the 27th of August 2020 – CEMETERY: ROOKWOOD NECROPOLIS
12:30pm Wake & Lenten Refreshments
Chinese Hall – Blashki Ave, ROOKWOOD. Permitted number of attendees – 100

For the many family members and friends in Serbia, thoughout Australia and around the world, and for all those who are unable to personally attend, please note that the Memorial Liturgy and Funeral Service will be live-streamed via the Metropolitanate YouTube Chanel and Facebook page, as well as on the Facebook page of St. lazarus Church at the following addresses:


FLOWERS: At the request of the family, in place of flowers and wreaths, all family and friends are requested to light candles for the repose of the soul,  and whoever wishes to do so, can make a donation towards the completion of St.Sava College, made in person at the donation box at the Church, or online at:

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