The position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in specific regarding ORGAN and TISSUE
DONATION is one in the same as that of the Orthodox Church in general.
The Orthodox Church fully respects the dignity and individual integrity of the human person
as created by God in His image and likeness and endowed with free will. Therefore, the
question of organ and tissue donation is left to the personal choice of the individual in
consultation with their spiritual father and medical doctor.
That having been said, as permitted by the Orthodox Church, the individual is guided to
understand the following points of reference when making their choice:
1. Firstly, if it is a “living donation” this can be made as long as the life of
the donor is never brought to question. In such cases, it is permitted to
donate duplicate organs, the removal of which would not be fatal, such
as kidneys and the like; or even sections of skin that would not
compromise the physical appearance of the individual donor.
2. Secondly, any “post-mortem donation” is possible, following full
biological death. However, the Orthodox Church understands the body
to be the temple of the Holy Spirit and requests that special care be
given to the donor’s body in the process of harvesting and in preparation
for proper burial. The Orthodox Church does not condone cremation.
Bishop of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand
The Serbian Orthodox Church
Position of the Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Bishop of Oceania:
http://www.orthodox.net.au/en/episcopal-assembly/organ- and-tissue- donation
Two Government flyers on Organ and Tissue donations: