Saint Nikolai of Ochrid and Zhicha celebrated in Wacol

Category: News

On Sunday, 19th March 2017, the parish Serbian school, Folklore Ensemble “Kosovski Božuri”, and Serbian Orthodox Youth Association (SOYA) celebrated their Slava St. Nikolai Velimirović, bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha.

The Feast Day was enriched by the amount of youth of all ages who together with father Velibor and father Staniša cut the Slava bread. During the distribution of nafora, the faithful were gifted little paper icons of Christ our Lord, the All-Holy Theotokos, and various other Saints. The rich Lenten luncheon was organised by the parents of the Folklore Ensemble “Kosovski Božuri” in the church hall.

Over the past few years, following the luncheon there would be a spiritual lecture. This year the youth from Soya organised a spiritual lecture in English. The presenter was father Romanos Stergiou, parish priest at St Anna’s Greek Orthodox Church on the Gold Coast and the topic father presented was “I AM’s of Jesus: Looking into John 10:10-18 ‘I am the Door’ and ‘I am the Good Shepherd'”. Father Romanos emphasised that it is of great importance to be like Christ and all things of Christ, we should be a reflection of Christ in all things we do and in all situations we are found in.

You can see parts of father’s spiritual lecture on ‘SOYA Spiritual Lectures in English – St Nicholas, Wacol Qld’ YouTube channel:


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