Patronal Feast Day at Homebush

Category: News

The Holy Archangel Michael Parish and Church Community in Homebush, celebrated its patronal feast day the Holy Archangel Michael on Sunday, 22 November 2015. This very solemn occasion was enhanced with two important events for this parish, which consists of Orthodox faithful who come from almost all over the world, and is known for conducting services in the English language.

The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was served by His Grace Irinej, Bishop of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand. Concelebrating with His Grace at the Divine Liturgy were the Very Reverend Presbyter Nemanja Mrdjenovic from the St George Parish in Cabramatta, the Reverend Presbyter Veselin Svorcan, who on this occasion was officially inducted as the parish priest of Holy Archangel Michael parish in Homebush, the Very Reverend Protodeacons Christopher Henderson and Petar Mrakic and the Reverend Deacon Aleksandar Ivanovic, Secretary of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand. During the Divine Liturgy Subdeacon Miladin Tripic was ordained a deacon.

After His eloquent sermon, His Grace Bishop Irinej called forth Father Veselin, who symbolically received in hand the Holy Gospel from the Bishop, as a visible sign of the mission to which he is called by appointment as parish priest in Homebush, to preach the word of God and be a good shepherd to the flock entrusted to him. Father Veselin warmly thanked His Grace as well as the entire community for showing their love and entrusting him with such an honour to lead this parish. Fr Veselin asked in prayer that the communion in faith and love continues to develop under the protection of St Michael the Archangel, as well as St John of Shanghai and San Francisco whose influence is still very present in this parish.

Following the cutting of the festal bread His Grace called forth the newly ordained Deacon Miladin, his wife Alexandra and their four children congratulating and wishing them every success in their service to the Lord and His Church. Deacon Miladin was born in Curuga in Novi Sad, Serbia and came to Australia as a child. Deacon Miladin especially thanked the priests Milorad Loncar, Rade Radan, John Vesic and his father confessor Veselin Svorcan, all who helped him in his spiritual growth and under whose leadership he was able to complete the three-year study of Orthodox Theology.

After the Liturgy a festal luncheon was served in honour of the parish feast for all the assembled people. The presence of many children who enjoyed in playing games in the beautiful and crowded Churchyard added to the beauty of the day.

Text: R. Mackovic and V. Svorcan
Photos: R. Mackovic


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