Post Date: 24/10/2018
St Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Blacktown, with blessings of His Grace Bishop Siluan, is organising a Seminar dedicated to Orthodox Family.
The Seminar will be held at the St Nicholas Church (33 Second Av Blacktown) on Saturday, 24 November 2018.
The lecturers Archimandrite Alexis (Rosentool), Reverend Fr. Dr. George Liangas, and Reverend Fr. Veselin Svorca. All of them experts in the fields of spiritual directing, child psychology, and family counseling. The topics of sessions are: “Childless Family”, “Raising Orthodox Children in Contemporary Australia” and “Selecting the right spouse”.
Entry is $25 and $10 for students. Participants must register in advance through email or phone 0431 622 241
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