Consecration of a church in Rockbank

Category: News

On 29 August 2015 there was a solemn consecration of the church of Venerable Mother Parascheva – Saint Petka in Rockbank after 25 years of existence of this church community.

This solemn event prayerfully commenced on Friday, 28 August 2015, with the Vesper service attended by Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand with priests and deacons from the Deanery of Melbourn. The consecration of the church was performed next day at 9 a.m., followed by the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy. Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand officiated the Liturgy with the concelebration of Bishop Michael of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Bishop George of the Russian Orthodox Church. The clergy of the Serbian, Russian and Romanian Orthodox Churches concelebrated .

The choir „Kornelije Stankovic” at the church of Saint Archdeacon Stephen in Keysborough sang responses.

During the Liturgy, Fr. Milic Rakic, parish priest of the church of Saint Parascheva, was ptomoted as protopresbyter. Following the Liturgy, there was a dinner at the renovated parish house.

Source: Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand


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