The recent movement to change the meaning, understanding and definition of marriage has not spontaneously emerged amongst the people, even less in academic or religious circles, but has been globally imposed from above, through political channels and means. The Australian Government has announced a postal plebiscite (latin: general direct voting of the whole nation, a referendum) in order for all people to vote on this issue. Leaving aside the fact that the overwhelming majority of Australia’s citizens come from, live in, and practice traditional natural marriage, and that this is not an issue generated by the people, but rather from relatively small yet politically influential circles, as Christians – in light of Divine Revelation – we ought to give an answer when asked about our beliefs. (see 1 Peter 3, 15) The Holy sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman (see 1 John 2: 18-25; John 2: 1-11) and the family that comes out of this sacred union is the will of God, expressed in His Holy Revelation. Since the creation of the world, marriage is and only will be the union of man and woman, and the Church will not acknowledge or bless anything other than that which the Lord God himself has established. The meaning of the Holy sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman is now being nihilised, i.e., relativised, sought to be obscured, disregarded and destroyed. This loss of meaning will in many ways affect our families, especially our children and future generations. The Lord blessed that the sacramental union between a man and a woman be adorned with the gift of procreation, i.e., Parenthood. In light of this, it is within this blessed God-given natural psycho-physically balanced environment that children can have a holistic experience of Parenthood, i.e., of Father and Mother. Parents, on their behalf have the duty before God to care for their children, not only physically and materially, but even more so, spiritually and morally. Today’s world is becoming increasingly disinterested and lukewarm towards truth and its reality surrounding us; this unfortunately has not been so rare in the past. However, from the very beginning Christians were „the salt of the Earth” and “light of the world”. (Mt 5, 13-14) It is therefore time to clearly state what we believe and know, so that we and our children can live a life worthy of humanity, i.e., Human dignity. What is proposed is the legalization of sin (Greek: amartia = “missing the mark”). Every sin does not have to be at the same time a transgression against human and state laws; but it is far more dangerous to violate God’s Law than human laws. Many examples have convinced us that deviation from the will of God inevitably leads to suffering. The choice between good and evil can only be made in the freedom that God and the Creator has given to us as humans, and it can not be a matter of politics, trade, negotiation or arrangement. Therefore, we earnestly pray to the Lord to save us and all the people on Earth from every sin, pain and suffering, to bring us to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4), and to guide us to the right path of love and salvation.
Source: Office of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand The Serbian Orthodox Church
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