Category: News

For period: September 2014 – May 2015

In May 2014 the Balkans were hit with floods that became the worst regional natural disaster in decades, leaving 51 dead and over 90,000 displaced. Serbia was struck particularly hard with 32,000 people evacuated from their homes and serious damage to the country’s infrastructure.

Immediately after the floods Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac has started project – Let’s all help. Project consists of three components – reconstruction of schools and kindergartens, reconstruction of family houses and economical support.

Shortly after this natural disaster, in September 2014, Eastern Serbia were struck by the terrible floods as well. Flood and landslades damaged hundreds of family houses but also the public objects such as schools.

After stabilization of the situation, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac has started project “Unite our hearts – For Eastern Serbia”. Main goal of this project is provision of support to the most vulnerable population at eastern Serbia and reconstruction of public objects.

Thanking to generous donation from the Movement of Serbian Chetniks in Australia Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac implemented several activities:

Activity  Duration Budget Note – Additional funds
Reconstruction of 16 family houses in Obrenovac Six months  (October 2014  – March 2015)

2.891.049,08 RSD

(34.869,73 AUD)

Reconstruction of the elementary school in Tekija Six months  (Decembar 2014  – May  2015)

4.333.911,56 RSD (50.476,5 AUD)

Building company Weber donated building material for this schools in total ammount of: 86.345,64 RSD ( 1005.6 AUD)
Reconstruction of the elementary school in Boljetin Six months  (Decembar 2014  – May  2015) 1.696.168,6 RSD  (19.755,05 AUD)

Building company Weber donated building material for this schools in total ammount of: 415.543,08 RSD (4.839,7 AUD).

Also, Srđan Vuković, individual donor from USA donated for this school 8.000 USD (10.256,41 AUD).              

Provision of basic furniture for 21 families in Obrenovac  Two months (February-March 2015)

2.570.617,00 RSD

(31.004,91 AUD)

Provision of 7 water pumps to 7 families in Boljetin One month (February 2015)

254.360,80 RSD

(3.067,92 AUD)

Comapny Binemikom donated one more water pump and through this project we helped 8 families.
Provision of economic support to 17 families in western Serbia Five months (November 2014 – March 2015)

4.825.320,00 RSD

(62.050,00 AUD)



Through those activities 61 families/248 persons received assistance in building material, basic furniture or goods for agricultural activities. Furthermore, 70 families/300 persons had benefit from reconstruction of two primary schools. 


Activity 1. Reconstruction of 16 family houses in Obrenovac


In Obrenovac, the area most heavily affected by the flooding, every house was evacuated. The water destroyed all personal belongings and severely damaged houses’ infrastructure. Citizens of Obrenovac now live in old military barracks turned into temporary shelters which have extremely poor conditions with no heat or running water.

Reconstruction of family houses, as one of the activities, and selection of beneficiaries are based on the criteria established in cooperation with Office for the floods and all relevant stakeholders. 

Beneficiaries’ selection criteria:  

1.Families with damaged houses identified by Municipal Evaluation Commission; 

2.Families whose only livable house is damaged;

3.Socially vulnerable families;

4.Families with many family members;

5.Families with elderly/disabled members;

6.Families with small children and children with disabilities;

7.Single parents with a child/children under 18 and/or a student/ up to 26; 

8.Families with ill members (physical/mental/chronic illness).

Beside above mentioned criteria, potential beneficiary family needs to fulfill following criteria: 

1.Family has capability to build in donated material in period of 45 days; 

2.With donation house can be returned in condition before the floods. 

The Divac Foundation defined the Project implementation methodology, prepared the socio-economic and technical questionnaires and draft Rule book for selection of beneficiaries.  The above mentioned documentation helped in evaluation of the vulnerability of the families, availability of necessary documentation and capability of the family to install the donated construction set. Aside of the above mention documentation, it has been prepared the format of Donation Agreement with beneficiaries and Monitoring questionnaires. 


Foundation and the Municipality of Obrenovac signed the Memorandum of Understanding in October, 2014 in the Municipality of Obrenovac. The Beneficiaries Selection Commission was held in October 2014 in the Municipality of Obrenovac. The Commission selected 16 families who met criteria. Signing the contracts with the beneficiaries was organized on 21 October 2014. 


The tender for procurement of building material items opted by the beneficiaries was published on October 21, 2014 in the daily newspaper “Danas”. The most favorable bidder was company “UNIPROMET” from the Municipality of Lazarevac  


The contract with the “UNIPROMET” (RSD 2.891.049,08 – 34.869,73 AUD) was signed in Belgrade on November 07, 2015.  


Delivery of the building material and joinery to families has been finished by December  2014.


Deadline for the installation of procured material was 45 days from the date of material delivery. 


Monitoring was done on March 15, 2015 when has been established the all beneficiaries installed the obtained material.


Activity 2. Reconstruction of the elementary school in Tekija


After visit of our team to eastern Serbia, it has been confirmed that two elementary schools, one in Tekija settlement and other in village Boljetin suffered serious damages. Thanks to the suport and donations from the Movement of Serbian Chetniks in Australia, and few other donors,  Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation started the reconstruction of these two elementary schools in Eastern Serbia.


One of the school that is being reconstructed is elementary school “Svetozar Radic” in Tekija, in National Park Djerdap on Danube River.  The reconstruction works started at the end of December and includes painting, carpentry, electrical installation, toilets, outdoor stairs, floors.  According to the agreed dynamic plan the reconstruction should be finished in the first week of February.  Please find attached photos of the schools before and during the process of reconstruction.


This school is one of the oldest in this part of Serbia and nowadays is being attended by 50 children. 


Based on the damage estimate and necessary reconstruction works that has been made till end of  December,  the certified civil engineer hired from the Foundation made the technical specification according to which is made an invitation to make an offer to the constructing companies.  Tender Commission chose the best offer given by the construction company „Čikago gradnja “ . 


On 14th of December 2014, Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and Elementary school „ Svetozar Radić“ signed the Donation Agreement, that confirmed that donated funds would be used for reconstruction of the school damaged after floods. 


Contract on Reconstruction works among the Foundation, School and Contractor Company was signed on 15th of December  2014, confirming that within the reconstruction of the school would be conducted the following works: isolation, carpentry, painting the walls, fasade. replacing the floor, toillets.


The contracted reconstruction works started on 21st December 2014 and finished on 11th May 2015. The Report on finished works made by Foundation Inspector, was signed on 13th May 2014. 


The children will start the new school year in renovated object and will have even better conditions to learn and have lectures. This renovated school will affect to the encreasing of the number of pupils in this settlement. In addition to, in this renovated school will enjoy the future generations of  pupils in Tekija


Activity 3. Reconstruction of the elementary school in Boljetin


At the same time, we started the reconstruction of elementary school “Vuk Karadzic” in small village in Boljetin. In September floods, the elementary school was damaged by  the floods and moulds from the hill above the schools.  The children were evacuated from the object and it was avoid the catastrophy. The water from the rains and floods entered the object  and damaged the old floors, walls, fasade, electricity, toillets. Heavy rain damaged the old roof and it was needed its urgent reconstruction. 


This small school is being attended by 20 pupils from 1st to 4th grade. The school was terribly damaged in September landslides and reconstruction works includes roof reconstruction, floors, facade, carpentry, painting, and toilets.  Photos are attached as well. Part of the building material for the reconstruction of both schools was donated by building company Weber. 


Based on the damage estimate and necessary reconstruction works that has been made till end of December, the certified civil engineer hired from the Foundation made the technical specification according to which is made an invitation to make an offer to the constructing companies.  Tender Commission chose the best offer given by the construction company Čikago gradnja. 


On 14th of December 2014,  Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and Elementary school „Vuk Karadžić“ signed the Donation Agreement, that confirmed that donated funds would be used for the reconstruction of the school. 


Contract on Reconstruction works among the Foundation, School and Contractor Company was signed on 15th  December 2014, confirming that within the reconstruction of the school would be conducted the following works: isolation, roof reconstruction, carpentry, painting the walls, ceramics, electroinstallation, fasade, glaziers work, plumbing works.


The contracted reconstruction works started on 21st December  and finished on 23rd of March 2015. The Report on finished works made by Foundation Authorised Engineer, was signed on 23rd of  March  2015. 


Pupils got back to the renovated school where have the. In this renovated school, not only present but future  generations of Boljetin pupils will enjoy and learn. 


Activity 4. Provision of basic furniture for 21 families in Obrenovac  


Having in mind that during the floods families lost all personal belongings, Foundation Divac supported 21 families in Obrenovac with basic furniture in amount up to 1.500 AUD. The families already finished reconstruction of their houses thanking to donation of building material from Foundation. 


Signing the contracts with the beneficiaries was organized in February 2015. 


The tender for procurement of basic furniture and home appliances has been conducted in February 2015. Two most favorable bidders were: company Simkom for furniture and company Boss trade for appliances. 


Delivery of furniture has been done on March 12, 2015. 


Activity 5. Provision of 7 water pumps to 7 families in Boljetin


After the floods and landslides in September 2014. several households in Boljetin lost their conection with water supply system. For them that means no runing water at home. 


Thanking to this donation, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac provide 7 families with water pumps. Now families have runing water and normal life conditions at their houses. 


Activity 6. Provision of economic support to 17 families in western Serbia


Aim of this activity has been to re-activate economic capacities of 17 families in the short period in order to enable them to generate income and prevent them from tumbling into poverty. The main focus has been on agricultural activities. Each selected family has been provided with grant in ammount of 3.650 AUD. Also, monthly visits of specialized consultant assistance has been provided to each beneficiary household. 

This activity has been implemented in municipalities Osečina, Valjevo, Mali Zvornik and Ljubovija. 


Selection of beneficiaries has been done in cooperation with representatives of each municipality. Assesment of the situation in municipalities has been conducted during October 2014. Our team visited over 30 families and 17 most vulnerable has been selected. 


Procurment procedure has been conducted in November 2014. The most favorable bidder starded delivery of goods in December 2014. 


The families received green houses, seeds, machines and all other necessery goods for reactivation of their agricultural activities. 




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